Reviewing Shots The Names of the Most Commonly Used Shots Refer to the Implied Distance Between

One of the first things students are taught in flick school is the nomenclature of the bones types of camera shots. This common language is essential for writers, directors, camera operators, and cinematographers to effectively communicate visual elements of a shot, peculiarly the size of a field of study—often a person—within the frame. Provided here is a listing of the essential shot types that you lot need to know, along with a cursory description. For the purpose of this article, it will focus mostly on subject size and camera angle and ignore camera movements, such as tracking shots, dolly in, etc.

Shots indicating subject size

There are many ways in which you can frame your subject area, from seeing their entire body to but their eyes. By and large speaking, nosotros can break this downward into iii principal shot sizes: Long, Medium, and Close. Long shots (as well unremarkably called Wide shots) show the subject field from a distance, emphasizing identify and location, while Shut shots reveal details of the bailiwick and highlight emotions of a character. Medium shots autumn somewhere in between, putting emphasis on the discipline while still showing some of the surrounding environment.

It's important to annotation that the following shot types just relate to subject size within the frame, and don't directly point what type of lens is used to capture the scene. The choice of lens—and, thus, the altitude of the camera from the subject—remains an creative conclusion for the Director and/or Manager of Photography. With that in mind, on to the listing!

Extreme Long Shot (aka Extreme Broad Shot)  Used to show the discipline from a distance, or the expanse in which the scene is taking place. This blazon of shot is particularly useful for establishing a scene (run into Establishing Shot later in the commodity) in terms of time and place, too equally a character's physical or emotional relationship to the environment and elements within it. The character doesn't necessarily accept to be viewable in this shot.

Long Shot (aka Broad Shot)  Shows the subject from top to bottom; for a person, this would be caput to toes, though non necessarily filling the frame. The character becomes more of a focus than an Extreme Long Shot, just the shot tends to still be dominated past the scenery. This shot often sets the scene and our character's place in information technology. This can also serve as an Establishing Shot, in lieu of an Extreme Long Shot.

Full Shot  Frames character from head to toes, with the field of study roughly filling the frame. The emphasis tends to exist more on action and movement rather than a character's emotional country.

Medium Long Shot (aka 3/4 Shot)  Intermediate between Full Shot and Medium Shot. Shows subject from the knees up.

Cowboy Shot (aka American Shot)  A variation of a Medium Shot, this gets its name from Western films from the 1930s and 1940s, which would frame the discipline from mid-thighs up to fit the character's gun holsters into the shot.

Medium Shot  Shows role of the subject area in more than particular. For a person, a medium shot typically frames them from about waist up. This is one of the most mutual shots seen in films, as it focuses on a character (or characters) in a scene while still showing some environment.

Medium Shut-Up Falls between a Medium Shot and a Shut-Up, by and large framing the subject from chest or shoulder up.

Close-Upward Fills the screen with part of the subject, such every bit a person's head/face. Framed this tightly, the emotions and reaction of a character boss the scene.

Choker  A variant of a Close-Up, this shot frames the field of study's face from above the eyebrows to beneath the mouth

Extreme Close Up Emphasizes a small area or detail of the subject field, such as the center(s) or mouth. An Farthermost Shut Upwardly of just the eyes is sometimes called an Italian Shot, getting its proper name from Sergio Leone'south Italian-Western films that popularized it.

Shots indicating photographic camera angle/placement

In addition to discipline size within a frame, shot types can also bespeak where a camera is placed in relation to the field of study. Here are some commonly used terms:

Centre Level  Shot taken with the camera approximately at human eye level, resulting in a neutral effect on the audience.

Loftier Angle Subject is photographed from above eye level. This can have the event of making the subject seem vulnerable, weak, or frightened.

Depression Angle  Subject is photographed from beneath eye level. This tin have the consequence of making the subject look powerful, heroic, or unsafe.

Dutch Angle/Tilt  Shot in which the photographic camera is gear up at an bending on its roll centrality and then that the horizon line is not level. It is frequently used to show a disoriented or uneasy psychological state.

Over-the-Shoulder Shot  A pop shot where a subject is shot from backside the shoulder of another, framing the subject anywhere from a Medium to Shut-Up. The shoulder, neck, and/or back of the head of the discipline facing abroad from the photographic camera remains viewable, making the shot useful for showing reactions during conversations. Information technology tends to place more of an emphasis on the connection between ii speakers rather than the detachment or isolation that results from single shots.

Bird's-Center View (aka Height Shot)  A high-bending shot that's taken from directly overhead and from a distance. The shot gives the audience a wider view and is useful for showing direction and that the subject is moving, to highlight special relations, or reveal to the audition elements outside the boundaries of the character's awareness. The shot is frequently taken from on a crane or helicopter.

Other mutual shot types

Cut-In  Similar to a Cutaway, but shows a Close-Up shot of something visible in the main scene.

Cutaway  A shot of something other than the subject field and away from the master scene. Information technology is usually followed by a cut back to the beginning shot and is useful for avoiding a bound cut when editing down a section of dialogue, or editing together 2 divide takes.

Establishing Shot  Commonly the first shot of a scene, this is used to establish the location and surroundings. It can also be used to establish mood and give the audience visual clues regarding the time (night/day, year) and the general situation. Considering they demand to provide a bang-up deal of data, Establishing Shots are usually Extreme Long Shots or Long Shots.

Master Shot  Term given to a unmarried, uninterrupted shot of a scene. This shot tin be the only shot used by a director to cover a scene, or edited together with additional shots. While it's commonly a Long or Full Shot, a Chief Shot can be a closer shot, or consist of multiple shot types if the camera is moving throughout the scene.

Point of View Shot (POV)  Shot intended to mimic what a particular graphic symbol in a scene is seeing. This puts the audience directly into the head of the character, letting them experience their emotional state. Common examples are of a character waking upward, drifting into unconsciousness, or looking through a telescopic or binoculars.

Reaction Shot  Shows a character's reaction to the shot that has preceded information technology.

Reverse Bending Shot  A shot taken from an bending roughly 180 degrees contrary of the previous shot. The term is commonly used during conversation, indicating a contrary Over-the-Shoulder Shot, for example.

Two Shot  A shot in which two subjects appear in the frame.


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