
Lingua Cultura

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Errors In English Ads And Beguiling Trends Of Job Advertisements In Dki jakarta


Galingling, Yusniaty
Lingua Cultura Vol. half dozen No. ane (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. i

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: x.21512/lc.v6i1.389

Article investigated the errors plant in task advertisements from Kompas newspapers and the fallacious trends. The methodology used in this newspaper was descriptive qualitative. Data were gathered randomly from job advertisements from Kompas in 2008. The data were analyzed through the following steps: starting time, the data were gathered and classified into errors from L1 interference, and errors from lack of grammatical knowledge. After causes of errors were explained, so the fallacious trends were described. Information showed the inconsistency of translating Job’southward titles considering of L1 interference. Errors due to lack of grammatical cognition were classified into four categories of omission, addition, and substitution. From 44 data of omission and addition, the inflection (ending â€"s and -ed) mostly occured. In that location were 24 cases found from the errors of substitution regarding the class words, preposition, and agreement. Fallacious trends that Job’s ads written in English that were free from errors proved to be contrary to the fact.

Monkey Dance Transformation And Displacement: From Traditional Operation To Urban Everydayness Sutandio, Anton
Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. 1

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: x.21512/lc.v6i1.390

This research attempts to investigate how the monkey dance, a traditional mobile performance from village to village, transforms and displaces itself into a semi-permanent urban street performance as the result of modernization and globalization. The inquiry is closely relevant to the theme of the everyday life on the relation between fine art and the social. Doger monyet (monkey dance) performance has always been regarded as the marginal art/culture. Its place has ever been among the mid-lower grade of society, thus when information technology changes its mode and place of performance, questions and curiosity arises. This phenomenon requires a re-examination of the cultural transformation effect to everyday life. This research attempts to answer several issues regarding the phenomena: how the performance negotiates its way to the urban everyday life and its everydayness; how it manages to place itself within the urban space; how it deals with the authority and the urban dwellers, and what its hereafter is going to be like in the new infinite.

Evaluating The Usefulness Of An English Course At Binus University: Freshmen’due south Perspectives â€" Quantitative Arroyo Asmani, Almodad Biduk
Lingua Cultura Vol. six No. 1 (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. half dozen No. one

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara University

Testify Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v6i1.391

Article examined the feedback and responses provided by Binus Academy freshmen students concerning their study experiences of taking an English language bailiwick, called English Entrant, as function of their compulsory English course plan at Binus Academy during the odd semester of 2010/2011. The research was to find out whether such program has been useful and effective for these students in terms of the teaching quality, course contents and independent learning system commonly applied at Binus University. The research applied the quantitative approach with the focus on finding the full general tendency of these students in evaluating the programme based on numerical data. In the initial stage of the research, the writer selects the random sample of 4 to five English language Aspirant classes ranging from small-scale to big number of students. The results are that the teaching methodology applied in English Entrant tends to be highly acceptable if the lecturers are more communicative and engaging with their students. The speaking format in the classroom is also more preferred past the students if it focuses more than on the fluency and clarity rather than the accuracy. Lastly, the independent learning system is more likely to be appreciated by these students if it can provide the proper feedback and improvement for their English learning experiences.

Saying I Know You â€" Conversational Analysis On Internet-Chatting By Dating Couples â€" Chijiiwa, Hiroaki
Lingua Cultura Vol. half-dozen No. 1 (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. i

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara Academy

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v6i1.392

In casual conversations, Japanese people do non refer to their intimacies proverb “We are close this much.” It is hard to create special scales for intimacies because the term of “Intimacy” is too abstract and vague. However, don’t Japanese people really scale their intimacies during their conversations? In this written report, the researcher aimed to describe strategies of intimacies in Japanese using method of Conversational Analysis onto dating couple’south casual cyberspace chat data and analyzed “how people show their intimacies to opponent through the conversations.” For conclusion we can say; Japanese people tend to say “I know you” in indirect way to emphasize the opponent’south “the illusion of transparency”.

Majas Eufimisme Dalam Kamigata Rakugo Karya Katsura Beicho Novianti, Nalti
Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. one (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. six No. 1

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara Academy

Bear witness Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v6i1.393

Euphimisme merupakan sebuah majas yang bertujuan untuk menghaluskan satu ucapan agar petutur tidak perlu mendengarkan kata-kata tabu atau kasar. Selain itu majas inipun bertujuan untuk memperkecil perasaan tidak nyaman petutur saat sedang melakukan tindak komunikasi. Artikel menjelaskan penelitian yang membahas masalah eufimisme melalui sebuah cerita humor Jepang, yaitu Rakugo karya Katsura Beichoo yang berjudul Aizo moyo. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui sejauh mana eufimisme dapat digunakan untuk menarik unsur humor dari cerita yang disajikan. Rakugo daerah Kansai atau sering disebut dengan Kamigata rakugo, ceritanya banyak dilatarbelakangi oleh budaya Kansai yang kental dengan budaya perdagangan. Osaka sejak dulu terkenal sebagai kota perdagangan yang diwarnai hubungan sosial yang vertikal, dengan tipisnya hubungan hierarki antara atasan dan bawahan. Sementara di daerah Tokyo hubungan sosial antar manusianya lebih ke arah hierarki tinggi yang mengusung ketat hubungan atasan dan bawahan. Karena itulah budaya Osaka lebih kental dengan berbagai problem manusia yang tidak mementingkan hierarki, dan justru itulah yang membuat budaya Osaka kaya akan warna, dan disebut dengan “Wahha Bunka“ atau budaya ketawa ala Osaka. Untuk meneliti eufimisme dalam unsur humor ini, penulis menggunakan teori relevansi dari Sperber dan Wilson (1991). Kemudian untuk menemukan unsur humornya digunakan teori Raskin (1996), yang didukung oleh Ross (1998).

Efektifitas Heed Mapping Dalam Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Jepang Pada Pemelajar Tingkat Dasar Ningrum, Rosita
Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. half dozen No. 1

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Cheque in Google Scholar | DOI: x.21512/lc.v6i1.394

Article antiseptic the research entitled 「「初級学ç¿'者におã'る日本語の語彙学ç¿'においてのマイ ンド・マッãƒ"ングの効果」which were translated equally "The Effectiveness of Mind Mapping In JapaneseVocabulary Learning for A Bones Level Learners". In previous studies, listen mapping was tested on reading skill, but for this research it was focused on vocabulary with the assumption that the language learners unremarkably got difficulties in learning both languages. Technique of listen mapping was tested on a two-semester student to find out the effectiveness of its techniques in learning Japanese vocabulary. This inquiry used experimental methods. This design involved ii groups of subjects. One group, as experimental group, was given the mind mapping learning technique, and the other group (the control group) was treated with the conventional learning techniques. Data were taken in 2 ways, the quantitative method was using musical instrument in the forms of pre test and post test on both sample class. The qualitative method applied interview to consummate the descriptive data analysis. Then, the pre examination and post test information were analyzed by measuring the normality of data and examination-t to know to what extent the effectiveness of mind mapping techniques was successfully applied to the sample. To strengthen those results, the outcomes of interview was transcribed to see the sample’s responses in line with mind mapping techniques to the report of Japanese vocabulary. The research result indicates that mind mapping technique is proven more than effective in learning Japanese vocabulary compared to the conventional way.

Evolution Of The Women Images In Chi Li’south Novel Mariana, Mariana
Lingua Cultura Vol. six No. 1 (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. 1

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v6i1.395

Chi Li, 1 of the outstanding women writers in the 1980’due south, portrays various images of women in her works. Female person prototype that Chi Li describe is from obedient to tradition type until self determination and independence, and proceeds a clairvoyance of that female’s culture existence state and the value conception separately. Chi Li thinks securely of the meaning of Chinese female’s life, in search of the civilisation value of contemporary female throughout the dissimilar female person images, which figured in the novel, and it revealed the sprits in exploring of culture and the unique aesthetics taste of the writer.

The Usability Of Bridge-A Class Book Of Intermediate Practical Chinese At Chinese Department Binus University Ruomei, Fu
Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. six No. 1

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara University

Evidence Abstruse | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v6i1.396

This article discusses near the usability of Span-A Course Book of Intermediate Practical Chinese at Chinese Department BINUS Academy. Based on research, lecturers and students agree that this book has fulfilled the requirements equally classroom textbook for Intermediate level including grammar, vocabulary and reading text. However, some materials cannot exist hands understood due to cultural differences. Therefore, in order to get the almost out of the volume, teachers are expected to explain vocabularies in its specific context and background, and select appropriate reading text that relates to Indonesian values such every bit religion and civilisation.

The Status Of Mandarin Linguistic communication Learning In Republic of indonesia Shenglin, Zhang


Ying, Yi
Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. i

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: x.21512/lc.v6i1.397

The condition of Mandarin language learning in Indonesia was still a master event for Mandarin lecturers and researchers in China and Republic of indonesia. To find out the clear status, a research having a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was washed, in which questionairs were distributed and interviews with Mandarin students, lecturers, and experts were conducted. Respondents were selected by random sampling. After data analysis, a conclusion which indicates a general condition and some problems in the process of teaching and learning Mandarin, as well as the employ of learning materials can be presented. The research results testify that at present, the Standard mandarin learners are yet dominated past the descendants of Tionghoa, even though learners coming from non-Tionghoa’south descendants are getting increase; learners’ motivation in studying Mandarin is closely related with the self-identity as Tionghoa’s descendants and the job’s demands; Mandarin linguistic communication however belongs to the second language in Indonesia and has not able to supplant the domination of English; the insufficiency of lecturers and learning materials in the past have significantly provided, but this condition has not solved the issues, particularly which concerns to the comeback of the quality of learners and local learning materials.

Xu Guangqi’s Thought On Supplementing Confucianism With Christianity Seo, Anna
Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012): Lingua Cultura Vol. 6 No. 1

Publisher :

Bina Nusantara Academy

Prove Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v6i1.398

Xu Guangqi is one of the most influential Chinese scholars who accepted Christian faith during the late Ming dynasty. His idea of “supplementing Confucianism and replacing Buddhism by Christianity” had great impact on the development of Christianity in China. His thought, however, has frequently been accused of syncretism, and genuineness of his Christian faith has been put into question. Some argue that his theology lacks Christology. Others suggest that his ultimate goal was to achieve the Confucian political ideals through adopting some of the Christian moral teachings. Through the analysis of Xu Guangqi’ works and life, we notice that he accustomed all the essential Christian doctrines and Christology is the cadre of his understanding of “Tianzhu”. His view on Confucianism itself istransformed through Christian perspective. In his new understanding, the ultimate goal of Confucianism is to serve and to worship “Tianzhu”,same equally Christianity. The ultimate problem of life is to save one’s soul.Xu Guangqi considered his scientific works every bit a way to propagate Christian faith,since scientific discipline was seen as an integral function of Christian idea and exercise. His idea of “supplementing Confucianism by Christianity” integrated Confucianism into the overarching framework of Christian thought.

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