I'm in Your Care Anime
Japanese: 鬼滅の刃
Romaji: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Meaning: 鬼/Demon 滅/destroy 刃/ blade
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Go to Phrases from Hashira part 2
- What is the story?
- Hashira
- Characters and Phrases
- Giyu Tomioka
- Kyojuro Rengoku
- Shinobu Kocho
- Sanemi Shinazugawa
What is the story?
A kind and brave boy named Tanjiro was living a happy life. Though every day was a hard one, Tanjiro always smiled and took care of his family in place of his father. Until one day, he comes back home to find his family slaughtered. The only survivor was his sister, Nezuko, who had been turned into a demon by the demon known as Kibutsuji Muzan. Determined Tanjiro then sets out to do what nobody has done before, turn a Demon back into a human. Tanjiro meets many friends and allies who help him along the way and fights toward a future with Nezuko and his new family of demon slayers.
The Hashira (柱, pillar) is a group of the strongest demon slayers. The Hashira is the highest rank in the Demon Slayer Corps, and being one is the same as being a pillar of support for the Demon Slayer Corps. Each Hashira has their unique breathing style, but they all share the same goal, to defeat all demons and protect humanity.

Amazon.co.jp: Demon no Blade DX Hydrain Sword
Amazon.co.jp: Demon no Blade DX Hydrain Sword
Characters and Phrases
Giyu Tomioka
Japanese: 冨岡義勇
Romaji: Tomioka Giyū
Meaning: 冨/Wealth 岡/Hill 義/Justice 勇/Brave
Giyu is the water pillar. He was the one who helped Tanjiro become stronger so that he could save Nezuko. Giyu acts cold and always has a stern expression on his face. However, he has people he cares for and will try his best to protect them.
Never leave yourself so defenseless in front of your enemy.
Romaji: Seisatsu yodatsu no ken wo hito ni nigiraseruna.

Seisatsu yodatsu (生殺与奪) is a four-character idiom which means to have the right to decide for a life to live or to die.
Sei (生) means life.
Satsu (殺) means kill.
Yo (与) means to give.
Datsu (奪) means to steal or to take away.
Ken (権) means the right.
Tanin (他人) means a stranger.
N igiraseru na (握られせるな) means don't let it grip. Nigiru (握る) means to grip.
I am not hated.
Romaji: Ore wa kirawarete nai.

Ore wa (俺は) means I am.
Kirau (嫌う) means to hate, kirawaretenai (嫌われてない) means not hated.
If you want to kill Tanjiro. You'll have to get through me first.
Romaji: Tanjiro wo koroshitakereba mazu ore wo taose.

Korosu (殺す) means to kill. Koroshitai (殺したい) means want to kill. Koroshitakereba (殺したければ) means if you want to kill.
Mazu (まず) means first of all.
Taose (倒せ) is the imperative form of Taosu (倒す) which means to defeat.
Kyojuro Rengoku
Japanese: 煉獄杏寿郎
Romaji: Rengoku Kyōjurō
Meaning: 煉/Knead 獄/ Prison 杏/Apricot 寿/long life 郎/Boy
Rengoku is the courageous flame pillar. He is always positive and has helped Tanjiro a lot. Due to his hard work, Rengoku inspired Tanjiro many times.
Set your heart ablaze.
Romaji: Kokoro wo moyase.

Kokoro (心) means heart.
Moyase (燃やせ) is the imperative form of Moyasu (燃やす) which means to burn.
I will fulfill my duties. I won't let anybody here die.
Romaji: Ore wa ore no sekimu wo mattou suru. Koko ni iru mono wa dare mo shinase nai.

Sekimu (責務) means duty.
Mattou suru (全うする) means to complete.
Koko (ここ) means here.
Iru (いる) means exist.
Mono (者) means people.
Daremo (誰も) means nobody.
Shinu (死ぬ) means to die. Shinasenai (死なせない) means won't let it die.
Kamado boy, I believe in your sister. I accept her as a member of the demon slayers.
Romaji: Sorekara Kamado shonen, ore wa kimi no imouto wo shinjiru. Kisatsutai no ichiin toshite mitomeru.
Shonen (少年) means a young boy.
Kimi (君) means you.
Imouto (妹) means a young sister.
Shinjiru (信じる) means to believe.
Ichiin (一員) means a member.
Mitomeru (認める) means to accept.
Shinobu Kocho
Japanese: 胡蝶しのぶ
Romaji: Kochō Shinobu
Meaning: 胡蝶/Butterfly
Shinobu is the insect pillar. She always has a smile on her face and is very kind. However, behind her smile, she is hiding her feelings of anger and desire for revenge. Shinobu has weak arms and cannot decapitate a demon, so she uses a special sword and her fast skills to inject a deadly poison inside a demon's body.
Oh did you finally die? Good. Now I too can rest in peace.
Romaji: A, yatto shinimashita? Yokatta. Korede watashi mo anshin shite jōbutsu dekimasu.
あ、やっと死にました? よかった。これで私も安心して成仏できます。

Yatto (やっと) means finally.
Shini mashita(死にました) means died.
Yokatta (良かった) means good.
Korede (これで) means at last or finally.
Anshin (安心)means reassurance.
Jyoubutsu(成仏)means to rest in peace.
Dekimasu (出来ます) means can. ↔️ Dekimasen (出来ません) means can't.
Go to hell.
Romaji: Jigoku ni ochiro.
Jigoku (地獄) means hell.
Ochiro (落ちろ) is the imperative form of Ochiru (落ちる) which means to fall.
I will kill her with a sweet poison that won't leave her in pain.
Romaji: Kurushimanai yōni yasashi doku de koroshite agemashou ne.
Kurushī (苦しい) means painful. Kurushimanai youni(苦しまないように) means to not let it suffer.
Yasashī(優しい) means kind.
Doku(毒) means poison.
Koroshite ageru(殺してあげる) means to kill for you.
After you, you worthless bastard.
Romaji: Tottoto kutabare kuso yaro.

Tottoto (とっとと) means quickly.
Kutabare (くたばれ) means go and die.
Kusoyarō (糞野郎) means bastard.

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Amazon.co.jp: Amycute Demon Bladed Hoodie, Children's Cosplay, Costume, Kids' Clothes, Long Sleeve, Hooded, Goblebee Shinobu Yasumi Tanjiro Coat, Sweatshirt, To...
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Japanese: 不死川実弥
Romaji: Shinazugawa Sanemi
Meaning: 不/Not 死/Death 川/River 実/Truth 弥/more
Sanemi is the fierce wind pillar. He is serious about training and hates weaklings. Sanemi also has Marechi, which is a rare type of blood that demons hate. When he was a child, his mother turned into a Demon and killed the rest of the family. In order to save his younger brother, Sanemi had to kill his mother. He then became a demon slayer to prevent others from feeling his same pain.
You've got no shame, you make me sick. You only think of corps members as pawns to be used and tossed aside.
Romaji: Shirajirashīn dayo, hana ni tsuku engi daze. Taiin no koto nanza tsukaisute no koma to shika omottenē kuseni.

Shirajirashī (白々しい) means an obvious lie.
Hana ni tsuku (鼻につく) is an idiom which means making me irritated.
Engi (演技) means acting.
Taiin (隊員) means member.
Tsukaisute (使い捨て) means disposable.
Koma (駒) means a piece.
Omou (思う) means to feel. Omotte nē (思ってねえ) means don't feel so.
I'm begging you, god, please, please, don t take my little brother.
Romaji: Tanomu kamisama, douka douka otouto wo tsurete ikanaide kure. Onegai da.

Tanomu (頼む) means to beg.
Kamisama (神様) means god.
Douka (どうか) means please.
Otouto (弟) means younger brother.
Tsurete iku (連れて行く) means to take away. Tsurete ikanai de (連れて行かないで) means don't take away.
Onegai (お願い) means please.
Take care.
Romaji: Genki dena.

After the long and hard battle against the demons, everyone wished each other to take care.
Source: https://anime-phrase.com/demon-slayer-hashira/
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