How to Stop My Dog From Killing Chickens

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How do I break a dog of killing chickens????????
- Thread starter ederob
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- #1

Have a good day and God bless!!!!
No hour is wasted if spent in the saddle
Winston Churchill.
- #2

I can't imagine a dog quitting that activity after finding out how exciting it is.
It's kind of like trying to break a hen from being an egg eater.
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- #4

I agree, each time one of your poor chooks gets it, the dog is being allowed to see just what fun it is, it should never have been allowed to kill a chicken, training should have been done ensuring their safety!Keep him separated by a robust fence.
I can't imagine a dog quitting that activity after finding out how exciting it is.
It's kind of like trying to break a hen from being an egg eater.
- #5

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- #6

How does the puppy get access to the chickens? I'm going to assume the birds free range? First of all you have a breed developed to hunt large game so it will probably be more difficult than with a lot of other breeds to train him to leave them alone. I have 7 dogs and they will kill chickens.My birds are kept in a very large fenced area with a strand of electric fence wire around the bottom to keep the dogs out. After touching the wire a few times the dogs don't pay any attention to the chickens in the bird yard, now if one happens to get out then they are on it. My Lab killed an Orloff hen that got out about three months ago, but that was the first bird they have got in probably a year and a halfLisa
I do free range my chickens. I can not put up hot wire because I have toddler brothers and they would touch it not knowing any better. I free range my chickens in a area that is fenced in by hog wire and a wooden fence that has chicken wire on the bottom of it. But some of my chickens get out of the fence and in to the yard. We are trying a under ground shock fence for him. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
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- #9

I used an e-collar and put a few cockerels in the yard with my dogs (two Dobermans). Anytime they showed interest in the birds they got a reminder that they should not. It took about month of days and many many hours of my time. I still don't let my dogs and chickens mix unsupervised, but I have gotten a couple of chickens that flew into the dobes yard back unharmed. I just found them going back and forth in front of the fence with my dogs ignoring them. I have no idea if it would work for free range. I think if my dogs were around the whole flock all day they would revert to their chicken munching ways. When just one gets in the pen with them I am sure they think it is just me trying to trick them again. But then again, who am I to guess what's on a dogs mind?
I have a shock collar I will shock him every time he shows interest in a chicken. Also I will think about putting hot wire up. Thanks!!!!!!!!
- #10
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How to Stop My Dog From Killing Chickens
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